Hi Brix meter kit


This high brix meter kit is designed for   nutrient-dense plant sugar brix monitoring in biologically and sustainable food production in organic agriculture and horticulture production.

Brix measurement can be a reliable indicator of plant health, nutrient status, plant and soil fertility status and needs, plant produce handling and storage properties, successtibiltiy to pest and diseases, taste and of course sugar content.

The biggest problem facing users of brix measurement for these purposes is understanding correctly what the readings might actually indicate in the context of what is being measured, from what part of the plant it is being measured from, and at what stage of growth.

Accompanying this kit is a comprehensive booklet that sets out to answer these questions so that growers and producers of high brix nutrient-dense quality food have a full understanding of what is being measured, what the readings can indicate and what their limitations are.

The kit comprises of a quality automatically temperature compensating (ATC) 0-30% brix optical refractometer, a quality stainless steel garlic press for juice extraction, refractometer manual and booklet on Optical Brix Meter measurement for determination of high brix - nutrient dense food.

The contents of this 24 page booklet include

Tables for °BRIX readings for different crops and produce

Practical tips on the operation and care of an optical refractometer

An explanation on

What is °BRIX?

How is °BRIX measured?

What is an optical refractometer (°BRIX meter)?

What does a °BRIX reading actually measure?

What are 'soluble solids'?

How are °BRIX readings routinely used in conventional agriculture/horticulture?

Benefits of using Brix for organic/biodynamic/biological farming practitioners

How to correctly sample for °BRIX

Factors that can influence Brix sampling ie


Environmental conditions

Temperature effect

Where to take samples from the plant

How to prepare samples for testing

°BRIX sap sampling procedures for some common plants (you can adapt the methodologies yourself to other crops not listed)

Cucumber (also zucchini and summer squash)

Sweet Corn

Leaf Greens (Lettuces, Spinach, Silver Beet)


Watermelon, Cantaloup

°BRIX record keeping tips – what to record (and why)

The origins of °BRIX as an indicator for produce quality and nutrition ( provides a valuable insight as to why high brix production works)

Things to look for in interpreting brix readings (possibly the most valuable section of the booklet!)

References for further reading

Information for this booklet has been gathered from many sources in the public domain (and it is ongoing!), including from those who are highly experienced in growing and advising in biological farming and high brix, nutrient-dense quality food production. Gathering this information and assessing its credibility is a huge task in itself, and here, the work has been done for you! Having this information will empower owners of their refractometer brix kit to take full advantage of what must be one of the most useful and cost effective management tools available in high brix food production.

SKU: HB132